"A clear positioning with regard to Open Banking is the first and one of the most important steps towards ensuring profitability in an open banking future."
Open Banking – both worldwide and in Switzerland – is more present and topical than ever. Claudio Funk, Senior Consultant at beconn AG, has therefore dedicated his master thesis to the analysis of different open banking business models for traditional Swiss banks. If you are interested in a comprehensive overview of open banking models and a deep insight into how Open Banking can be applied to Swiss banks, fill in the form below to download your copy (Language: German).
Thank you for your interest in Open Banking and beconn AG. If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.
Click the link below to download the file:
Open Banking Geschäftsmodelloptionen für Schweizer Banken – Claudio Funk beconn AG.pdf
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Projekt Management • Technical Business Analysis • Wealth Management Expert
For the past ten year, Laurent has been working in various areas within the IT banking industry – from the IT backend to digital end-user platforms.
He is familiar with a wide range of technologies and has experience in most banking departments. In his functions, he led different projects and conducted analyses in asset and wealth management.
Before joining the banking industry, Laurent pursued an academic career. As a PhD in particle physics and cosmology, he worked towards a better understanding of the early universe. It was particularly during this time that he developed the pragmatic and structured work-approach that he employs in all his tasks and projects.
In his free time, Laurent enjoys spending time with his family – unless he is working on his Delorean or driving around in it.
Projekt Management • Testautomatisierung • Avaloq Business Analyse
Bereits während seinem Studium startete Fabian seine Beraterlaufbahn mit einem Mandat bei einer Privatbank in der Schweiz. Im Verlauf seiner weiteren Karriere unterstützte er verschiedene nationale und internationale Banken bei der Adaption und Integration von Testautomatisierungslösungen sowie der Modellierung von effizienten Testprozessen. Aktuell arbeitet Fabian als Projektleiter von zwei grossen IT-Projekten in der Versicherungs- und Finanzbranche.
Seine Begeisterung für neue Herausforderungen in Beratungsprojekten ergänzt Fabian in seiner Freizeit mit Skitourengehen oder bei fehlendem Schnee mit Mountainbiken